Paloma Shopway
Paloma Shopway is a consumer goods distribution that provides jobs for women in rural communities through catalogue sales. Paloma also seeks to improve the lives of members through providing new experiences like overseas trips and members are welcomed to join family camps and marriage counselling courses.
Visit Paloma’s facebook page for more infomation.
Keluarga besar PT. Paloma Shopway mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan suci Ramadhan. - Cek Selengkapnya di Katalog Paloma Shopway:
PT. Paloma Shopway is a leading mail ordering catalogue business in Indonesia employing women as sales commission agents. The women sales agents order products via their mobile phones. Goods are shipped to the nearest airport within 24 hours for collection and distribution. More than 80% of its sales are outside Java.
Paloma currently employs more than 45,000 home-based women and single mothers as Micro Entrepreneurs/sales agents. Because these women receive a discount off the catalogue price as their commission, they do not require micro-loans to become sales agents.