Our Story
Vision & Mission
TBN Asia is part of the TBN Alliance that consists of: TBN Africa, TBN Indonesia and TBN Americas.
Our Vision is to uplift poverty through enterprise solutions.
Our Mission is to help social enterprises in Southeast Asia that are working to uplift poverty.

Milestones of our Journey
TBN Asia was born. Founders join Dato Kim Tan’s vision of fighting poverty through enterprise in the Southeast Asia region.
June 2016
TBN Asia’s Inaugural Conference was held in Singapore with 300 delegates and 24 exhibitors.
August 2017
Partners and social enterprises in Indonesia joined in for the first conference in Jakarta, Indonesia.
September 2018
100 social enterprises exhibitors participated at the 2018 Conference in Indonesia.
March 2019
First conference in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia.
August 2019
TBN Asia forms its first official team.
November 2019
Launched the Social Enterprise Training Hub (SETH) programme in Indonesia. Grant for the programme was secured in early 2019.
May 2020
First Virtual Conference 2020, where the first SETH cohort graduates were featured
74 social enterprises participated in a full-day pitching session during the conference
Resilience Program was created to support SEs with funding from conference funds
January 2021
Established our Ecosystem pillars - SETH, Expertise Network, and Investors Network.
September 2021
ELC 2021 in collaboration with TBN Asia for Virtual Conference. Partnership was formed earlier in the year.
April 2022
Interfaith was launched and ‘Interfaith’ was added to TBN Asia’s mission and vision.
September 2022
Bali Conference 2022 - TBN Indonesia was launched.
September 2023
TBN Indonesia inaugural conference.