Building a Social Enterprise Ecosystem in Indonesia through the TBN Asia Bali Hybrid Conference

Indonesia, Bali - The Transformation Business Network (TBN) is an initiative of a group of individuals and organizations called to fight poverty through social enterprise. Therefore, TBN Asia was formed in 2014 with the aim of alleviating poverty specifically in Southeast Asia and inviting social enterprises, investors, and entrepreneurs to take part in this movement. It is a social impact ecosystem builder.

Every year, TBN Asia holds conferences in Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia to invite social enterprises to develop and synergize with each other simultaneously in efforts to fight poverty and improve the quality of human flourishing and resources through job creation and economic empowerment.

The Joint Cares for Bali Foundation (YBPB), which was founded by Kenny Wirya, Filemon, Lyson, Nyoman Santiawan, and Evi Pandjaitan, with the aim of building Bali through social enterprise, also synergizes with TBN Asia in this movement. Therefore, TBN Asia has appointed YBPB to be a partner and representative of TBN Indonesia, one of which will play a role in holding the TBN Conference in Bali on 22-24 September 2022 on a hybrid basis. The purpose of this conference is to raise social enterprises in Indonesia, invite investors and social entrepreneurs around the world, especially Asia, to jointly build a social impact ecosystem.

This movement certainly requires support from various parties, including the government, business actors, and professionals who are expected to play an active role in the spirit of collaboration to initiate and build a social impact ecosystem in Southeast Asia and in Indonesia as the largest country in it.

The Conference will feature 70 on-site and virtual social enterprise exhibitors from Southeast Asia, 4 plenary sessions, 10 workshops and 5 on-site impact trips to social enterprises. There will also be 3 Impact Café pitch sessions and 2 Impact Café sessions (world café / round table format) to further spotlight our exhibitors.   

For more information and registration kindly visit or CLICK HERE for our conference deck.


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